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    Interpretation on the Law Application in the Trial of Money Laundry and Other Criminal Cases (3)

    Supreme People’s Court

    Rules on the Work of Assessment, Auction and Realization Entrusted by the People's Courts (5)

    Supreme People’s Court

    Rules on the Trial of Civil Cases of Grade Jurisdictional Protest (6)

    Supreme People’s Court

    Decision on the Amendment to the Interpretation on the Law Application in the Trial of Criminal Cases Related to Illegally Manufacture, Trafficking, Transport of Guns, Ammunition or Explosives (8)

    Supreme People’s Court Supreme People’s Procuratorate

    Interpretation on the Law Application in the Trial of Criminal Cases of Hampering the Administration of Credit Cards (12)

    Judicial Documents

    Supreme People’s Court

    Notice on the Issue of Opinion on Protecting the Right of Appeal of Parties in Administrative Litigations according to Law (15)

    Supreme People’s Court

    Notice on the Issue of Opinion on Further Enhancing Judicial Statistics Work (18)

    Supreme People’s Court

    Notice on the Issue of Interim Measures on People s Court Relevant Departments’Coordinating Supervision Departments in Inspection of the Clue of Violating Discipline and Law (21)

    Supreme People’s Court

    Notice on Conscientiously Implementing the Guidelines Laid Down by the Central Economic Work Conference and Providing Effective Judicial Protection for Realizing Economic Development Target for the Next Year (23)

    Supreme People’s Court

    Notice on Accepting the Bankruptcy Application of Enterprises Which Borrow the Loans from International Financial Organizations and Foreign Governments and have not Implemented the Repayment of the Debt (25)

    Appointment and Removal

    Name List of SPC Judges Appointed and Removed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (25)

    Selected Judgements

    Case of Dispute over Patent Infringement:Liu Baochang v.Dongtai Textile Co. Ltd., Anhui Province (26)

    Case of Dispute over Invention Patent Infringement: OBE-Werk Ohnmacht Baumgartner Gmbh Co.KG v. Zhejiang Kanghua Glasses Co. Ltd. (30)

    Model Case

    Case of Disputes over Unfair Competition and Infringing Sole Right of Use for Registered Trademark:

    Shandong Lujin Industrial Corperation v. Juancheng County Lujin Handicraft Co. Ltd.and Jining Lizhibang Handwok Textile Co. Ltd. (40)

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